SSG is currently ISO Triple Certified, which includes ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Certification, AS/NZS 4801 Occupational Health and Safety Certification, ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System Certification.
Our triple certification ensures all business decisions take environmental management into consideration as part of our Integrated Business Management System.
Examples include criteria for the engagement of contractors, the creation of Safe Work Method Statements, identifying corrective actions and continual improvements which, all have an emphasis on environmental sustainability.
In 2018 we installed solar panels to sustain the energy required for the business. This is monitored daily through the dashboard in reception to show a level of energy generated compared to usage. On average we generating more energy that we are consuming.
We also replaced the existing lights with LED lights throughout the workshops to reduce energy consumption.
Our Drainage system has been upgraded to capture all dirty water from our Wash Bay. It is collected and disposed of through an external service provided, rather than lost in storm water. All our storm water drains on site are specifically labelled to ensure run off into the local water systems is avoided.
Our offices have now been fitted out with plants and we have also refurbished our gardens with sustainable plants that require less watering.
All our chemicals are biodegradable and environmentally friendly. The success of our environmental management is monitored monthly and our annual reports show improvements through initiatives made. Regular communication is given in toolbox meetings on the emphasis on environmental management.